Rusper Aikido Club
(Founded in 2014)
A member of
Aikido for Daily Life
What are you looking for?
So you are thinking of taking up aikido. Maybe it's because you; want to get fit, are seeking better health, want to be able to defend yourself, simply want to find something to do with your other half or your children, are looking to develop your confidence, or you are looking for an effective system for managing conflict well. Aikido offers all these things and more and its not unusual to find that
whatever your initial reason was that it may well change as time passes. Different clubs have a different emphasis on what they focus on, and whilst we think we can deliver on all of the above, the following is what we offer and believe is most important:
At Rusper we hope to help you find the best way for you to deal with some of life’s battles, be it physical (self-defence) or verbal/emotional ( verbal and emotional self defence). We will help you discover how to use the tools you maybe didn't know you already possessed and hopefully adding some new ones. Our focus is on self-development and helping you handle whatever life throws at you.
We emphasise that the real practice is off the mat, not on it. Your training on the mat is just an efficient way of learning some incredibly powerful ideas that will help you optimise your performance in everything you do. Through your training and personal development, you will improve your relationships with others. Life will probably still throw the occasional lemon your way, but we aim to equip you with powerful tools to deal with problems positively. In doing so we seek to provide the following:
A safe place to study no matter what your physical ability, age, shape, race, colour, creed or sexual orientation.
A personal relationship with the teachers, where they will seek to find out what you want from your study and show you ways of achieving your goals.​
A supportive and rich learning environment.
A chance to voice your opinions and to help the club continually improve.
Rusper Aikido Club, Rusper Village Hall, Horsham Road, Rusper, W. Sussex RH12 4PR